Jan 31, 2011

have you ever tried sleeping with a broken heart?

above you can see some outfits i put on today. i was sorting out my closet when i found some pieces i hadn't worn for a long time or never worn at all, rspectively. for example the light pink dress from H&M... i bought in in the online sale some weeks ago for 20€ and i love how it flows! can't wait for the first summer party!
the college jacket is my newest piece, i got it when i was in the city with my mom some days ago. she liked it and basically pushed me towards buying it. my boyfriend hates it because he thinks college jackets look cheap. i don't know, but i think i like it. let's see how often i will be wearing it haha. the ruffled top in the last two pictures is from F21 and i bought it in black and light pink. the fabric is almost silk-like and it seems to go with everything.

sooo today i found an old book from my childhood. it was my favourite book ever! the text is in german but i want to post it anyway as it means so much to me back then :) 


isn't it a nice text? i'll keep it for my children so that they can read it and dicover what really matters in this world :)


Jan 29, 2011

put a smile on your face.

i bought this shirt on my last day
in bangkok to remind me of the fun i had there :)
tomorrow i will do my taxes for the years 2009 and 2010... at least that's the plan! i have some stuff up on kleiderkreisel, maybe you want to have a look, guys! i am in the process of experimenting with blog design, inspired by these very helpful ladies! i was amazed by the effect it has if you edit your pictures so that they all have the same width, haha.

it is supersuperlate, so i'm going to sleep. tomorrow i'll do a really cool outfit post, i promise!


Jan 27, 2011

airport business model innovation

this has been my environment today: i'm at the bibliotheque and writing my bachelor thesis. i only have 4 weeks left and soooo much to do!

Jan 26, 2011

oh na na ... whats my name?

yippieeeeeh! GOT IT! i absolutely loved the
jacket in rihanna's video, and have been
searching for it for EVER. now i found it - for 15€

zara bag - 15€

again - sooo lucky! when i saw these zara
boots some months ago on lookbook.nu, i
instantly wanted them to be MINE! now i
found them on sale for only 30€ ! ! !

earrings primark - 3€ each

today, i had the feeling that the sales gods were on my side! i just wanted to wander around after my visit at wax in the city... but then i found the jacket and the boots i had been searching for a long time :) now i promised the gods that i would end the day in a superdisciplined way - doing research for my bachelor thesis. well, we'll see. hehe.

right now i can't really do outfit posts, as i am at my boyfriend's and didn't bring my tripod and camera... i took the other pictures with my iphone.


Jan 24, 2011

i'm such a fuckin lady!

top: H&M sale 5€ - i just had to have it!

rings: ebay ca.3€

sooo today was a really lazy day. really did nothing of importance, just some stuff for my bachelor thesis... i still have about 50 journal articles to read!yesterday i ordered noodles and the pizza i posted, and saved the noodles for today so yay, free food and no work for today :)
i found an amazingly light and versatile tripod in my mom's basement yesterday. my grandma bought it on one of these tours they take old people on to sell useless stuff to them. well, in the end the tripod was worth its money, heh. thanks grandma! now i can put my pile of books back into the shelf, where they belong. 


Jan 23, 2011

ryan adams - wonderwall

dinner :)

*i love my new belongings*

primark 2€
the cutest little necklace :)I guess it is a bit 

to short, but maybe I can add a longr chain
sheer shirt - primark
been looking for something like this for AGES! well,
maybe it was just for one week, but anyways- I got it!

supercute dress with bird-print
...because a girl can never have enough cardigans!

primark belts 2€

Jan 19, 2011

just random / wanna go back to thailand

sorry for not posting for a couple of days... i haven't been home much and -stupid me- didn't take my beloved camera with me. i'm at my boyfriend's and writing my boring dissertation right now. i have the feeling that concentration is better when I'm not at home haha.

BUT today i made the effort to come home because i was waiting for an H&M and a rock-kleidung package to arrive. result: H&M wasn't there, rock-kleidung WAS! couldn't wait to rip it open (i guess my neighbour who had taken the package for me thought i was mentally deranged or something)... and then came the shock: i received the wrong shipment. it wasn't for me but for some gal in the US :( totally hated the 3 shirts that were in the package BTW. who orders something that ugly from across the globe? tzz... well, i talked to the people of rock-kleidung.com, and at first they wanted to resend my package... but then they told me they have this holiday coming up and it would be better if they refunded me my money and i order again sometime in february. we'll see if i will. does not seem like that right now, haha.

BTW: the picture was taken in thailand, where i spent christmas this year!


Jan 16, 2011


ich hab vor einiger zeit meinen alten Game Boy etwas aufgepeppt! einfach ein paar strass steine kaufen (habe hot fix steine genommen. die sind eigentlich zum aufbügeln, aber geht auch super mit kleben), mit starkem bastelkleber einzeln aufsetzen und - voilá! ein echter hingucker in bahn, bus und in der uni. so viel spaß hat mir retro-gaming lang nicht mehr gemacht. mein lieblingsspiel: mario land 2 ;)

hier sieht man, dass ich auch in sachen iPhone skin auf Game Boys stehe. habe mein iPhone 3G mit einem coolen skin von Zaptastic aufgemöbelt und bekomme regelmäßig komplimente dafür. für 15$ ohne versand ist das durchaus machbar ;)

you're my heart, you're my soul!

jumpsuit: H&M // uhr: Casio // ring: IrishMaz

diesen herzchen-overall habe ich im sale bei  H&M gefunden und für 10€ sofort gekauft! ich liebe das süße muster! ich finde, overalls sind einfach eine perfekte lösung für tage, an denen man sich nicht für hose und shirt entscheiden kann!
gestern war ich mit meiner freundin nina unterwegs in mainz, wir waren in einem neuen club und sind danach noch in einen weiteren club gegangen. wir hatten echt viel spaß, vor allem weil wir mal wieder so richtig tanzen konnten.
ich warte momentan auf zwei bestellungen: eine von 
rock-kleidung.com (danke hier an aynur von FASHIONHYPE) und eine von H&M. sobald sie da sind, gibt es eine zusammenstellung meiner neuesten errungenschaften :) 

Jan 15, 2011

i'm a free bitch, baby!

jeans: H&M // shirt: khaosan road bangkok //
kette: H&M // strickjacke: F21

a blog is born.

ein fröhliches hallo an alle!

nachdem ich nun über ein jahr regelmäßig blogs verfolgt habe, ist es zeit, mich selbst daran zu versuchen... da ich in diesem blog hauptsächlich mein leben dokumentieren möchte, hier eine kleine einleitung:

ich bin 20 jahre alt, lebe in der nähe von wiesbaden, und studiere aktuell im 6. semester aviation management. neben dem studium habe ich eine ausbildung zur luftverkehrskauffrau bei einer großen deutschen airline gemacht und werde im sommer 2011 von dieser firma übernommen. mich interessiert der marketingbereich und ich hoffe, dass ich in dem umfeld einen job bekomme. reisen ist mein größtes hobby und mein leben, ich liebe es, fremde kulturen kennen zu lernen und meinen horizon zu erweitern. das gilt in sachen mode natürlich auch, und ich nutze meine reisen oft auch zum shoppen!

ich habe darüber nachgedacht, über welche themen ich in diesem blog alles schreiben möchte, und bin auf folgende liste gekommen:
  • outfit posts
  • musik
  • lifestyle/wohnen
  • reisen
  • gedanken zum leben
also im grunde genommen alles, das mich im "offline" leben auch beschäftigt. es würde mich sehr freuen, wenn sich der blog auf lange sicht hin mit leben füllt und für mich nicht nur zum unilateralen medium, sondern auch zur kommunikationplattform wird :) wie ich auf den titel komme: eine meinser liebsten textzeilen von deichkind: "ein bisschen gold und silber, ein bisscher glitzer glitzer!"
